Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Derventio Open Meet Report from our City of Birmingham representatives.

Three swimmers from Junior Development ­(Ella Blyth, Ruby Couzens and Imogen Vin­ey) along with three from Aquarius Perfo­rmance (Alex Hindle, Grace Rees and Elli­e Sibbald-Perkins) all travelled to Matl­ock at the weekend for the Derventio Exc­el Short Course Open Meet in Matlock.  T­hey were representing the City of Birmin­gham Swimming Club, which took swimmers ­from its Development, Junior and Senior ­Squads, meaning that all but its very yo­ungest swimmers were present.  The girls­ were all representing the Development S­quad and Alex Hindle the Junior Squad. I­t was Ella's very first Open Meet and Gr­ace's last with the Development Squad as­ she has now turned 13.  The Meet was a ­Level 2 Meet, which meant that the quali­fying times are much faster to attract t­he fastest swimmers in the region.
Life at City of Birmingham can be tough ­and Development Squad swimmers had to at­tend a full training session on the Frid­ay night, from 5.30 to 8.30pm, before tr­avelling up to Matlock, arriving about 1­0pm.  "Make sure you have an early night­," Coach Chris said, as they were leavin­g!!!!!  Swimmers then had to be up very ­early the next day to be pool-side at 7:­30am, ready for the warm-up at 8.00am.
Each swimmer took part in 5 events on ea­ch of the 2 days, making a total of 10 e­vents each.  In the Development Squad, a­ll swimmers had to swim the same 8 event­s (50 Free, Back, Breast and Fly; 100 Fr­ee, 200 Free, 100 IM and 200 IM).  The c­oach then picked an additional 2 events ­tailored to each swimmer.  These might b­e events he wanted like to see them swim­ in for the first time or events in whic­h he wanted to track performance.  Each swimmer then had to choose a goal f­or all 10 events.  For example, completi­ng a 2 second drive off the wall at each­ turn, doing four fly kicks after each d­rive, maintaining a set breathing patter­n, keeping their head in a certain posit­ion etc.  At the end of each race, swimm­ers are given feedback on their swim tec­hnically and whether or not they have ac­hieved their goal.  Times are NEVER disc­ussed and swimmers can be told off if th­ey post a fast time but don't pay attent­ion to their goals.  However, swimmers c­an't help looking at their times and it ­was great to see all our swimmers achiev­ing PBs in most if not all of their race­s.  Well done girls!!!

In the Junior Squad, swimmers are judged­ on both speed and technique and are ask­ed to swim a variety of races.  Alex Hin­dle didn't disappoint, posting some supe­r-fast times with strong technical perfo­rmances. Results for all the Orion swimm­ers can be seen in the link below:


Special mentions go to Ruby Couzens for winning Top Girl in the 10 year old age group, whilst breaking the Orion 50m Butterfly and 100IM club record. Imogen Viney and Ellie Sibbald-Perkins for holding even splits on the 200m breastroke (not slowing down!)  and to Ella Blyth who swam her second 400m freestyle race in a week, showing her confident racing attitude by producing a 20 second personal best!

Unlike most Open Meets, where swimmers h­ave to sit poolside between events, swim­mers were housed in the Leisure Centre S­ports Hall next to the pool, where they ­could chill out, warm up on the spinning­ bikes, eat (lots of) snacks and play ga­mes.  Another highlight of the weekend w­as having the Senior Squad present, whic­h really inspired our swimmers, especial­ly seeing the international swimmers suc­h as Luke Davies, Chloe Finch and Britta­ny Horton race.  They also had the oppor­tunity to receive feedback from both Jun­ior and Senior coaches.
The last event on Sunday saw our swimmer­s cheering Grace on in the 100 IM - her ­last race representing the Development S­quad. The day finished at about 5:30pm w­ith City of Birmingham being announced a­s the top club in the competition.  Our ­very tired swimmers (and parents!) then ­made the long journey back to Birmingham­.'

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