Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Time Trial Success and Parent Input

Thank you all for those who took part in the time trial and those who helped it to run so smoothly! Times have been processed and put into a database, but I cannot emphasise enough how important it is that parents have their own copy of their own swimmer's fastest times. It will become very useful as your swimmer progresses through the sport. 

I know a lot of parents are inexperienced in the sport, however please do your best to enter all details on entry forms tot he best of your ability. And if you are unsure please ask someone! Processing the county entries is proving to be very time consuming!

This brings me on to my next point. At the moment, Orion runs purely on the huge input from a handful of very committed parents who give up vast amounts of free time so that all the swimmer's at Orion can have the best possible opportunities. Please ask yourself honestly if you could give up an hour or two of time a week to contribute to the team effort of running the club. 

Is it really fair to come and drop off your child/ren and then pick them up a few hours later a number of times a week, without even considering the amount of work that is required to run a club? If you think you could help, please make your skills and interest known to me or any member of the committee. Work loads will become much bigger around the times of entering competitions as entry forms need to be organised etc.

I'd also like to ask that parents help out with the lane ropes. There have been times when things have been running late yet only one or two parents think to help. Please, help me to help your children by letting me concentrate on doing my job.

Coach Rob

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