Below you will find the events you can enter for the Counties;
Saturday 1st March, Session 1 (Morning)
*Female 4x50 Fc Relay (9/10)
*Male 4x50 Medley Relay (9/10)
Male 200 Bk
Female 50 Bk
Male 100 Brst
Female 200 Fc
Saturday 1st March, Session 2 (Afternoon)
Female 200 Brst
Male 50 Fc
Female 100 Fly
Male 100 Fly
Saturday 8th March, Session 3 (Morning)
Female 200 I.M
Male 50 Brst
Female 100 Fc
Male 200 Fc
Saturday 8th March, Session 4 (Afternoon)
*Male 4x50 Fc Relay (9/10)
*Female 4x50 Medley Relay (9/10)
Male 100 Bk
Female 50 Brst
Female 200 Bk
Saturday 15th March, Session 5, (Morning)
Male 100 Fc
Female 100 Bk
Male 200 I.M
Female 50 Fly
Male 50 Bk
Saturday 15th March, Session 6, (Afternoon)
Female 50 Fc
Male 200 Brst
Female 100 Brst
Male 50 Fly
Female 200 Fly
*Subject to team selection.
Please sit down with your little swimmers and take a look at the events. I will be creating a form for you (parents) to complete on the events you think your child/ren will be swimming, so we can start to think about the relay teams.
Please remember we are expecting all Juniors to swim a minimum of 2 out of the 3 Saturdays!
Coach Rob
Saturday 1st March, Session 1 (Morning)
*Female 4x50 Fc Relay (9/10)
*Male 4x50 Medley Relay (9/10)
Male 200 Bk
Female 50 Bk
Male 100 Brst
Female 200 Fc
Saturday 1st March, Session 2 (Afternoon)
Female 200 Brst
Male 50 Fc
Female 100 Fly
Male 100 Fly
Saturday 8th March, Session 3 (Morning)
Female 200 I.M
Male 50 Brst
Female 100 Fc
Male 200 Fc
Saturday 8th March, Session 4 (Afternoon)
*Male 4x50 Fc Relay (9/10)
*Female 4x50 Medley Relay (9/10)
Male 100 Bk
Female 50 Brst
Female 200 Bk
Saturday 15th March, Session 5, (Morning)
Male 100 Fc
Female 100 Bk
Male 200 I.M
Female 50 Fly
Male 50 Bk
Saturday 15th March, Session 6, (Afternoon)
Female 50 Fc
Male 200 Brst
Female 100 Brst
Male 50 Fly
Female 200 Fly
*Subject to team selection.
Please sit down with your little swimmers and take a look at the events. I will be creating a form for you (parents) to complete on the events you think your child/ren will be swimming, so we can start to think about the relay teams.
Please remember we are expecting all Juniors to swim a minimum of 2 out of the 3 Saturdays!
Coach Rob