Thursday, 29 May 2014

This morning's session...

I can say without doubt that this morning was one of the best, most impressive sessions I have witnessed since I started. Well done to Ursula, Tani, Dan, Nick, Ellie, and Asha for putting in the work that will take them to the next level. 

Also a big thank you to Tania for giving up her mornings even when she has exams later that day! 

Hopefully see lots of you at the Olympian workshop on Sunday, or training on Monday! 

29 days to go!

Coach Rob

Monday, 26 May 2014

This week's training

Please do your best to make up for the lost sessions at the start of this week by coming to a few extra in the second half. Just 31 days until the next round of the Junior League, and only a few more until the Boldmere Water Carnival! 

Coach Rob

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Inset Day Tomorrow

So there's absolutely no excuse to miss out on morning training! Come and give it a go! 

Coach Rob

For the parents...

This may not be new to all of you (parents) but a great document aiming to explain the process of the journey to success. Your understanding of this, and the communication of this to your swimmers will go a long way to ensuring everone's long term potential is obtained (or as near to it as possible).

Coach Rob

The new Junior female capain is...

Ellie Sibbald-Perkins! Ellie replaces Rosa as the new Junior team female captain, working alongside Dan Hindle to help me and the other coaches lead the team on a day to day basis. Please show Ellie the same respect as you all have Dan and Rosa so far - remember they have been chosen by us and therefore do have the right to make sure you are all doing the correct things and behaving as you should!

Dont forget - morning training Thurday 6am-7am at the girls pool. It would be great to see some new faces!

Coach Rob

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Parent's involvement in swimming...

A very interesting read on the effect parents can have on the development of their kids.

Coach Rob

Monday, 19 May 2014

Don't forget!!!

Land Training after swimming tonight for 30 minutes! Please wear apropriate footwear.

Coach Rob

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Teamer Notifications

Please respond to Teamer ASAP with regards to the next round of the Junior League!

There was a little confusion at the last round with a few swimmers turning up who had not been selected for the team. Please use Teamer as the primary source to find out if your child is on the team, and please don't just turn up if you're unsure! Feel free to chat to Ian or myself if there are any queries. 

Coach Rob


After our first female captain progressed into the performance squad, she left a position that has left myself and the other coaches pondering for some time. 

However, we have come to a decision which will be announced tomorrow evening! 

Coach Rob

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Good Luck!

The very best of luck to Aimee Richter and Lucie Carey in their disability gala tomorrow!

URGENT: Water Carnival Entries

Due to a large amount of confusion, and the quickly approaching deadline for entries, please get your entries in ASAP preferably to training tomorrow morning or via email to Loz of Carla.

It seems I may not have explained things well enough, so just treat it as a normal open meet entry.

Coach Rob

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Transport to Junior League Round 3

Round 3 28th June at Wyndley Leisure Centre. 

We will be sorting a coach to travel to and from this final round of the Junior League. This is for the team and atmosphere benefits just as much as it is anything else. I will be making this a compulsory part of the evening. If you aren't on the coach - you will not compete. 

The coach will also be available for parents and other supporters if desired, and there will be a small fee per person (including swimmers) to cover the cost. 

Last round I requested to see some face paints, decorations, Orion colours etc etc and couldn't see much, no matter how hard  I looked. Please start thinking of ways to make you and your mates help Orion stand out from the crowd even further!

Coach Rob

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Junior League Round 3

We are currently placed 3rd in the Division 2 table with one round left to go! The final round will be at Wyndley Leisure Centre on the 28th June. 

Again, everyone should know the drill by now. Arrive for 1730 ready to put on another strong performance. 

More details nearer the time. 


Monday, 12 May 2014

Water Carnival

Please put your name on the notice board at KEBS along with ASA number and DOB ASAP please as there isn't long left at all to get entries in!

Sunday, 11 May 2014


I have been speaking to quite a few of you recently about how important head position is in breaststroke (just as it is in any stroke). Keeping your head in line with your spine really affects the rest of your body in terms of its position in the water. Having your head looking forward all the time makes it very difficult to make your hips move up and down like it does in butterfly. 

The picture of the swimmer below is of Lindsey Swartz. I had the pleasure of coaching this young lady last summer, and is an extremely good breaststroker. At the end of the summer she went a 1.14.5 for 100m and a 2.35.98 in the 200m - Longcourse!! (The big 50m pool). 

Take note of where her eyes are looking as she lunges forward with her arms,  the angle of her back, and how her hands stay in the water as they drive forward. 

Coach Rob

Reminder for (another) team photo tomorrow and a chance to win some free video analysis!

Please remember we will be taking a group photo tomorrow in the pool at the start of the session. Plase also remember your land training kit!

There hasn't been much intertest in any video analysis as of yet, so I've decided I will be choosing a swimmer at random at tommorow's session to get 2 x 15 min analysis vidoes done for free! Make sure you're at training to not miss out!

Victorious Second Round of the Junior League!

A great night of racing saw Orion take the win for the first time since the league started 8 years ago. The racing was very close at times, but Orion showed consistent domination, winning a number of the relays and cannons by a full 25m! 

The final scores haven't been put online yet, but I will update the blog with them when they do. 

The win comes as a direct change of attitudes within the junior group since I started. The standard of training (most of the time) now is so much better than I could ever have wished for when I came to Orion back in September. Those who were at the gala can confirm that the standards we are now setting is something the other clubs can only think about - never mind accomplish. Pre-warm up blood flow, team spirit, discipline and comradery all come to mind. Even the way we get into the warm up is so much better! 

I was particularly impressed with everyone's reaction times. We seemed to be the first team flying through the air on most of the starts. I was also impressed with the swimmers who had to do lots of races, swimming up an age group or two on a number of occasions. Again, this is a testament to all the hard work and training. 

That being said - there is plenty still to work on. Our opposition is only going to get tougher and tougher as we get better and better. We need to start getting the small things right 100% of the time, day in day out. Streamline, breakouts, turns, breathing, finishes etc etc. If you all want to see another win at the next round then its crucial we get the training right! 

Swimmers of the night go to... 

Karnell Nunes-Smith - for some outstandingly quick swims (and remembering not to go before the starter...)

Jodie Carreon - for some great swims all night long against older swimmers with consistently beautiful technique. 

Also a huge thank you to Karen Watson and Clara Day for their poolside help, and my partner in crime Ian Watson who's organisational skills are beyond comprehension. 

The next round is on the 28th June, location to be confirmed. We need another full team so please make this your priority! 

See you all tomorrow at KEBS and remember we have land training for 30 minutes afterwards! (Please speak to me if your child cannot attend). 

An extremely proud Coach Rob

The older swimmers warming up to take the victory!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Boldmere Water Carnival 5th and 6th July

All Juniors please see the noticeboard for a form to put down your name and sessions you are available to swim at.

The coaching staff will then select your races for you. This is to ensure you get the necessary experience, and swim the events that they may not otherwise try. Please do not try and pre-empt what races your child will get to swim by referring to the programme of events. Please attend all the sessions that you can make.

Again this is an 'expected' open meet. After the response from the previous competitions (CoB and Rugby) although better, I really hope you guys step up and show a good turn out for what will likely be the last time I see any of you race!

CoB swimmers ignore this as you will be doing a similar thing through CoB.

Coach Rob

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Land Training

Quick reminder that our first ever land training session will go ahead for 30 minutes after the swim session on Monday. Please see earlier blog post for details.

Parents feel free to help out on and/or join in on the night!

Coach Rob

Team Photo

We want to make the most of the rare opportunity to have the majority of swimmers in one place at the same time this Saturday evening and so would like a volunteer to come forward to take a few team shots (preferably someone with a good camara!).

Please get in touch if you'd like to get involved.

Coach Rob


HUGE well done to Annabel, Maddie, Rosa and Mia who have all this week moved up into the Aquarius Performance group. This is a reflection of all the hard work they have put into training over the past months, and we all wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your careers!

Rosa will still hold her position as Junior Captain alongside Daniel for this weekend's Junior league. I will then announce the new female captain at some point next week.

See you all Saturday!

Coach Rob

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Junior League Round 2 - REPOST

The next round of the Junior League will be on the 10th of May at Stechford Cascades. Please arrive for 1730 for a 1800 warm up. Same drill as before, everyone should know what's what by now!

I want to see EVERYONE in Orion kit, specifically swim caps - even all the boys. Also feel free to think outside the box -  purple pom poms, purple face paint etc etc. Lets make our appearance as good as our swimming! 

In light of this, make sure you're putting in the training. Those Easter eggs will need a bit of burning off! 

I'm very excited to see what we can do this time, with an even stronger team! Let's go for the win... 

Coach Rob

Friday, 2 May 2014

No Training on Monday 5th May

Just in case you missed the email. Have a good bank holiday!